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.Wednesday, January 28, 2009 ' 2:13 AM Y
lets qame!

Today was a very boring day for me. I did not go out of the house at all. All I literally did was bathing, having my meals and doing my homework. Still trying to get over the stress and pressure and also the thought of the reopening of school. Sigh..things will be as its usual boring self again. Well, that's life. Anyways, on the bright side, I have managed to complete most of my homeworks and including 1 more once I'm done with this post, of course. This is officialy my last post for assessment for english lessons. I hope you guys have enjoyed viewing through my blog and experience how my life is like. It has its ups and downs. Life can never be perfect.Wait, why am I talking about all this? Nevermind.

Anyways, for my last post..Let's see..AHA! I know I shall share with you something funny that happened a few days ago. During recess, I was up in the class as usual and was chit-chatting with Isaac and Billy. As we were speaking, Isaac was interrupted by a noise somewhat similar to a insecticide being sprayed. WHen I turned my head around, I saw a shroud of white smoke at the back of the class. Emerging from it was Tyler; a known-to-be- notorious boy. I was laughing my heart out!.Tyler later claimed that he had 'accidentally' pressed the lever of the fire extinguisher. I beg to differ though. How can a person 'accidentally' press a fire extinguisher. It was obviously due to his curiosity and lack of common sense that made him actually touch it in the first place.

Everyone was angry with him too. When Mr Tan came to know of it. He simply gave up.
Many bad occurences have taken place in this class. He left for the washroom probably to cool down and demanded the class to opt a punishment for Tyler. Everyone was taking the chance to sabotage Tyler. Their simple excuse was " Because of Tyler, when there is a fire, what wopuld happen to us?". I bet if Tyler did not do it and the thing was not even full in the first place, they would not even care about it. Anyways, in the end Tyler was told to report the matter to the school office and was to replace it with a new one.

So that concludes my last post for this blog. Once again I would like to thank all of you who have enjoyed and viewed my blog. And of course, thank you, Tyler, for giving me something to reminisce about. Tata!

.Tuesday, January 27, 2009 ' 10:30 PM Y
lets qame!

End of the festive mood.

Chinese New year is finally coming to an end and that means the end to my 5-day holiday. The festive mood seems to be fading away and is being replaced of stress and pressure coming from the piles of homework that I have yet to complete.

My unfinished project and some other assignments.

And that's not all.I have 4 compostiions to complete and two full MT exam papers.I have three deadlines to meet tommorow and none of them are fully completed. I'm beginning to really feel the pinch. Sigh... well, I guess the saying 'good things never last long' is really true. Worst part is that all the assignments are group projects and I can never seem to contact them. Every single time the line would be engaged, handphone turned off, people on holidays overseas or simply refuse to pick up. It is really frustrating.Things are turning from bad to worst. I am still afraid of my Science test results as I new I did not do well.All I'm hoping for is a pass; just a pass.

Well, no matter what the situation is like now, I must stay strong and focus on the bright side. What else can go wrong?right? I guess sitting down here staring at this screen won't help. I better get started. I have 7 hours left to complete all of my 12 assignments. Pressure's on. And for my groupmates, if they don't want to cooperate, they will just go down with me. That's all. Good bye.

.Monday, January 26, 2009 ' 10:00 PM Y
lets qame!

An Extra-Exciting Day

Yesterday was Chinese New Year. In my previous entry, I have shared with you some of the things I did during the day. However, that was not the best. Yesterday, I attended a program organised by SAFF Perdaus(A muslim organisation). At around 5.30 p.m, people gathered around the perimeter of Masjid Al-Firdaus or also known as Al-Firdaus Mosque to witness one of the most amazing natural cycles,the solar eclipse.

In my 13 years of living on this earth, I have never seen anything more beautiful and amazing than this. When we reached there, we were given a briefing about the do's and dont's of spectating the eclipse. We were warned that we should never at any point of time stare at the sun to catch a glimpse of the eclipse as it might cause the retina in your eye to disintegrate! Yuck! We were told to only look at it when we receive a special pair of sunglasses; a cool-looking one somewhat similar to a 3D movie spectacle.

Then, finally, the moment came. Slowly but surely, the moon came in the Sun's way; as if creeping up and placing a blanket over the Sun. Everyone simply stood there, staring into the sun; awed and speechless. I seriously cannot express how amazing it was. It was simply beyond words can describe. However, good things never last long.
The final moment came and calculations showed that the moon had covered 79% of the sun at most.

Though it ended very quickly, every second of it is deeply etched in my heart. even now, while typing for you guys, I can still vividly recall how the event was. Till now I still cannot find any words to describe how it was. Therefore, as the saying goes " A picture speaks a thousand words",these are some of the pictures caught by the organisations. Credit goes to them. Enjoy!

Even during the hustle and bustle of visiting, chinese people still drop by to experience this phenomenon.

The moon creeping up on the sun.

Aren't they simply amazing? Well, we were not the only ones who witnessed it. It is reported that hundreds of others went to the science centre and other neighbouring countries also held events like this.Here is a video that shows a boy in Indonesia witnessing the eclipse.

With that, I bid you farewell.

. ' 9:38 PM Y
lets qame!

Happy Chinese New Year

As the days went by, the atmosphere of the lunar new year were rapidly spreading around Singapore. Nowadays, even when I go to my supermarket down the road, I will never fail to see and hear loud bangs coming from the lion dances and a man dress in a traditional costume,dressed as a deity,I suppose, giving away small little red packets that contained chocolate coins. Well, although I don't celebrate Chinese New Year, I feel as if I'm soaked into this festive mood. Well, maybe it is because Mr Low gave us an extra day of holiday.Heehee.

A video of a Lion Dance held at VivoCity!

I was really shocked when I saw that the roads were deserted as my parents drove us down to the mosque.It was like a ghosttown. My mum said that most of the people have gone to their parents' for the annual reunion dinner. That night, something felt different;there was a sense of excitement in the air. I still remember the sudden loud noises coming from my neighbours upstairs; probably toasting to a new and prosperous new year. Under my block, children were playing with 'bunga api' or small little fireworks.

A photo of my neighbours playing with fireworks down the road.

The next day, my neighbour, Mrs Su, invited my family over to her place for chinese new year. We politely agreed,though we never managed to visit her as her place was constantly packed with visitors. Group by group, people came and left. Poor old Mrs Su had to handle all the guests,serving them drinks and treats all by herself(her husband passed away a year ago). So, being a good Victorian as I'm expected to be, I rendered help. I was curious and wanted to find out what Chinese new year visiting is like and how similar it is to Hari Raya. Through helping out Mrs Su, I experienced what Chinese New Year visiting is like. It has been a tiring and memorable day for me.

I would like to take this oppurtunity to wish all of you celebrating Chinese new year out there Happy Chinese New Year! Xing Nian Qua Le. Did I spell thet right?

.Wednesday, January 14, 2009 ' 4:13 AM Y
lets qame!


It seems just like yesterday when the strong cool winds breezed against me as I skied down Mt. Titlis in Switzerland. The slopes there were fantastic. Topped with snow trickling down from the sky, it was probably the best moment of my life. Switzerland- the land where people are carefree and the scenery is beyond words can describe. Switzerland is a very relaxing place to be in; no problems, no stress and with the help of good old Swiss hot chocolate, your soul will be at peace. Imagine, waking up to the mountain breeze and the echoes; as if calling you to be one with nature.

It all started when my parents decided to bring us all to venture and explore Europe. Switzerland became a hotspot as all of us wanted nothing but some good old rest and a taste of being truly in nature. The moment I stepped out off flight SQ253, I could already feel the cool winter breeze and the adrenaline of sking down at speeds of up to 50km/h. Our first stop was the small town of Luzern. Situated at the west of Switzerland, it had magnificent views of Mt Pilatus. As soon as we checked in, we left the hotel and went straight to what everyone was itching for; Swiss cheese foundue. It was simply scrumptous! We fought for even the last dip of cheese. We had bad table manners. Heehee. However, we did not really care; we just wanted to make full use of our time there and cherish every moment.

Our flight that just landed in Zurich.

The next day, we took a classic european train to a town named Engulburg; where it was situated right next to Mt Titlis. To get to the top of the mountain, we had to take a cable car up, which I must say, was not very enjoyable as I had fear of heights. However, my fear turned into feelings of awe and amazement when I saw the lush fields of snow,ever so smooth as if it blanketed the rocks. It was a great day for skiing. Without wasting time, we rented some skies and we were off! A few hours later,we had to leave as it gets dark very early in Switzerland, especially during winter.

A video of Mt Titlis and surrounding areas of Siwtzerland.

Courtesy of tourbytrain.com

The next day, we took a boat ride which encircled Lake Konstanz. It was a great way to see Switzerland's surroundings. We could see many beautiful mountains and hikers making their way up. We could see the locals playing the longhorn( a musical instrument that is very big and long,which makes a very deep and low sound). Ironically, it was very cold but the sunshine was very strong. As it started to get cold, we made our way back to the hotel and were greeted by the warm, sweet feeling of hot chocolate. Soon the day was over and we were already counting down the numbers of days we had left.

View we could see from Lake Konstanz; nature at it's best.

Though I may not remember very clearly exactly what had happened and describe and share all my experiences with you guys, the memories of Switzerland will always and forever be etched in my heart; from the magnificent scenery to the warm comfy taste of hot chocolate. As I am typing down this post, sweet memories are flashing before my eyes. Thank you, Switzerland, for giving me one of my best moments of my life, thank you.

Till next time

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Name :Zhafir
Aqe : 13
D.O.B : Brought into this world in the wee hours of 5/July/1995
School : Victoria
Class : 2D WOOTS!
Likes : Gaming, slacking,etc
Hates : Annoying people, braggers,etc


  • January 2009

  • TaG!


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